Four Proper Grooming Tips for the Groom

On the day of the wedding, being properly groomed is priority number one for any groom. How ridiculous does it sound if the groom isn’t groomed, right? There are plenty of good reasons to make sure you are properly groomed, the first being that you should want to look your best for the bride. Past that, you’ll be taking photos that you and your wife will be keeping for the rest of your lives, so every a groom should want look his best in those or regret it for a very long time. If you’re a groom or you just want to make sure your groom is on top of his business, check out this handy list of four proper grooming tips for the groom.

Tip 1: Shave the morning of the wedding

Not all guys shave every day and if you do not, make sure you time your shaving pattern to allow yourself to shave the day of the wedding. This way you look clean, sharp and ready for the big day. Nothing says buzz-kill more than a face full of stubble! Also make sure you use a brand new razor to avoid razor burn and cuts which can seriously detract from the facial experience. If you really want to go all out, take the boys to the local barber shop and get an old fashioned shave. You’ll be surprised how clean you feel and it’s a nice bonding activity with the groomsmen. If you tend to get a five o’clock shadow, you might want to bring an electric razor (the one that oozes gel) to keep yourself spiffy later in the evening.

Tip 2: Make sure your hands and nails are trimmed and clean

While it’s frankly outside of the world of reality for most men to get manicures, the wedding day might be the one time where even the most macho of men will agree to get one. This is an activity that can happen a day before the wedding and can even be done with the bride-to-be. Having clean and neat hands will be important because the hands will be the focal point for many pictures, as well as the big moment where you exchange and wear rings.

Tip 3: Body hair should be under control

Let’s face it, body hair isn’t really ideal these days. Whether you decide to take off your shirt during the ceremony with all that dancing, or later on in the evening, your body hair situation should be under control. It doesn’t mean you need to wax your entire body, it just means you need to be nice and neat. This is another grooming step that can happen the day before the wedding. Also make sure you use the right tools for the job, many electric razor companies sell specific devices for body hair at national retail stores. Trust me, the last thing you want is a SNAFU involving body hair removal.

Tip 4: The Haircut

Be sure you have your hair cut and styled the way you want it. This means that you’ll need to carefully consider the timing of your haircut before the wedding. The rule of thumb is to get the haircut about a week before the wedding, but no later than three days before the big day. This allows your hair to grow back a little bit but still have that nice form coming out of the salon.

Three Great Ways a Groom Can Help with the Wedding Planning

Let’s be honest, when it comes to planning a wedding, the groom typically either takes a back seat to the bride or doesn’t have anything to do with the matter at all. Nevertheless, even if the couple-to-be is armed with a top notch Wedding Planner, we have three easy tasks that most grooms might actually be excited to help out with.

Find the DJ or Live Band

Grooms like music and most will be more than happy to take on the task of finding the DJ or go hunting for a great band. It’s an exciting endeavor to find a sick DJ, or find that perfect band that can bring a tremendous amount of fun, excitement and energy to the wedding and the reception. More often than not being able to check out the DJ or Bands will involve meeting them in person, plus seeing them perform at a venue such as a local bar, which most grooms wouldn’t consider a chore at all.

Find the Videographer

In this day and age of technology where everyone is armed with a video camera in their pocket, many guys have taken up both videography and photography as a hobby. When SLR cameras from Nikon and Canon came down to consumer level prices, this also opened the door to many would-be enthusiasts to engage in their passion armed with professional grade equipment. If your future groom is someone that loves photography or enjoys putting together home videos, it’s highly probable that he’ll also greatly enjoy the search for a photographer or videographer. More often than not your wedding planner will give you a list of optimal vendors to choose from given your date, budget and venue. From there, your groom can check out the leads by visiting websites to view portfolios, or even meeting up with a photographer or videographer locally (coffee shops do nicely) to find the right fit.

Honeymoon Travel Details

Another aspect of the wedding the groom can easily take care of and at the same time be happy to engage in will be the honeymoon details. Everyone likes to travel and figure out where they are going to spend one of their best vacations ever. Your groom in this case can go hunting for the best deal and find out where in the world you two can spend your first days and nights as husband and wife. This might involve talking to a travel agent (yes, they still exist), talking to friends, reading blog entries about smart honeymoon ideas, and hunting online for the vacation of a lifetime. Most guys would jump at the idea of planning a honeymoon, whether you are travelling abroad, going on a cruise or doing the standard trip to Hawaii.

Renting a Tuxedo from Friar Tux Shop

Recently I attended a swanky New Year’s party at the St. Regis resort here in Orange County, California. The dress code for the event was formal, with the twist being a James Bond theme. Clearly, only one form of dress would do and that would be a tuxedo. The only problem for me was that I don’t own a tux, which meant that I was in need of a rental. Enter one of Los Angeles and Orange County’s highest rated tuxedo rental locations, the Friar Tux Shop.

Friar Tux Shop has been around since 1974, almost 40 years, getting their start in the Greater Los Angeles area. In their mission statement, they note that they are family owned and operated since Day One and pride themselves on providing top men’s fashion at affordable prices. Whether you are in need of a tux for a wedding, party, prom or other event, Friar Tux Shop states that they are ready and excited to be a part of your big day.

Having rented from Friar Tux Shop for my wedding seven years ago, I decided to remain loyal and headed over to one of their locations once again. Fortunately they were having a New Year’s sale which meant that their regularly reasonable prices were downright cheap. As soon as I entered their store I was made to feel like a V.I.P. with the staff on hand asking all the questions necessary to make proper suggestions for my attire. The entire selection process didn’t take long at all and I was able to get fitted and sized in a matter of minutes.

Picking up the tuxedo was easy, as I just dropped by and everything was waiting for me. Shoes, pants, shirt, vest, bow tie, and jacket were neatly packed in a protective outer jacket to ensure they stated cleaned and organized for the ride home. All the clothes were extremely clean, fit perfect and most importantly, made me look extremely sharp. I got to the party feeling like a million bucks, and more important, fit in wonderfully with the James Bond theme. My wife was thrilled that I was decked out so nicely and wearing the tux made for some very memorable photos that we’ll cherish for many years.

Returning the tux was, as the entire process had indicated it would be, a total breeze. I simply put all the garments back and took them to the store. After a quick check from the staff, who greeted me once more with a smile, I was done!

If you live in the Southern California area and looking to rent a tuxedo yourself, definitely give Friar Tux Shop a call. My experience with their staff was very pleasing and most importantly, I was able to rent a very sharp tuxedo at an extremely reasonable price.

Stay at Home Honeymoon Ideas

For some couples, the idea of a real honeymoon isn’t something that falls within the realm of reality. A good friend of mine got married last year but because of a demanding work schedule plus two kids, a honeymoon just wasn’t in the cards. What did he and his new wife do instead? A very smart thing – a stay at home honeymoon in their home town. If you are in the same situation, don’t forgo the honeymoon experience, there’s always something you can do, even if it’s just for a night! Here’s are some good “Stay at Home Honeymoon” ideas that might help you plan something for a night or two after your wedding.

Swanky Hotel

No matter your hometown, chances are there’s a swanky four star hotel that you could visit for a night. It’ll feel like a vacation because it’ll be a place that you’d never normally visit and certainly never stay in because your home is so close. Some of these hotels even have amenities like an in-room hot tub or spa where you can really spoil yourself. Why not take a weekend package to stay in your home town, pay nothing in travel expenses and stay under $500 for a nice, memorable weekend?

Local Indian Casino/Resort

Out here in Southern California, we’re spoiled thanks to the numerous billion-dollar Indian Casino Resorts to choose from. These locations sport exciting casino action, four-star restaurants, amazing buffets and high quality hotel rooms. There’s always amenities like spas and gyms to make for an amazing experience. Most of these resorts offer a ton of different packages to choose from and it’s commonplace to have specials only available for locals, so don’t hesitate to call and find out what they might have for you!

A Nice Dinner / Home

One thing that you can do if you are on a tight budget and really can’t afford to spend even a night away from home is make a reservation at a nice restaurant and simply having a nice night out on the town. There’s no reason you can’t plan for something special back at home. Why not get your bedroom ready for a romantic night with roses, rose pedals, music and lights and have it waiting for you when you get home from a nice dinner? This may not even fall into the true spirit of a honeymoon, but it’s important for you and your spouse to have at least one special night together after the wedding.

A Few Great Engagement Photoshoot Locations in Southern California

If you happen to live in Southern California, there’s no shortage of wonderful places to take your engagement photographs. Typically, couples take advantage of the gorgeous beaches because of the plentiful space and options available. There’s no shortage of beaches in California, meaning there’s no shortage of great shooting locations either. However, that doesn’t mean beaches are the only place to get your engagement photographs done. Let’s take a look at a few locations, some beaches and some not, to give you some ideas if you plan to have your engagement photos done in Southern California.

Laguna Beach, CA

If you’ve never been to Laguna Beach, you’ll want to make it one of your destinations if you are visiting from out of town. It’s a tourist location to be sure but one that even locals in Orange County enjoy visiting thanks to the great beach, plentiful restaurants and overall small beach city charm Laguna Beach is known for. There are literally dozens of great spots to take photographs so if you’re looking for a very versatile beach location where you can go high (cliffs) and low (beach shore) then Laguna Beach might be the place you want to do your shoot. The good news too is that couples can travel to Laguna Beach in the early morning (think 6am) just after sunrise and find ample parking and empty beaches, not to mention some of the best time a photographer could hope for when it comes to lighting.

Union Station, Los Angeles

Union Station, Los Angeles

Union Station, Los Angeles

Union Station is a historical landmark that originally opened up in May of 1939. This rail station is often referred to as the last of the great railway stations to be built in the United States and was inducted into the National Register of Historic Places back in 1980. It’s a very popular spot to have photographs done because of the wonderful architectural design and retro motif. If couples take some time to research this spot, they’ll probably think how familiar the interior of Union Station looks. The reason for that is because dozens of movies have been filmed inside! So if the beach thing isn’t your scene, this is definitely a spot you’ll want to check out that is a historic landmark sure to make for a wonderful setting for engagement photos.


Hey, why not? If Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth and the future bride and groom are both huge Disney fans, Disneyland is absolutely made for a photoshoot. The popular theme park brings together more than a half-dozen different eras (including the future) and settings making it the most diverse photo-shoot setting you could possibly ask for, short of EPCOT park in Orlando, Florida. The staff love to accomodate photographers and there’s literally 20+ historic scenic spots to take photographs. Plus, where else on Earth could you take engagement photos with Mickey Mouse, Princess Aurora and Darth Vader on the same day?

La Jolla, CA

If you are heading to or living in San Diego, La Jolla is a city in the southwest corner of the county that is world reknown for its ritzy lifestyle and breathtaking beaches. There’s a ton of great eating spots (think the 4-star variety) and this is less small beach town and more rich beach resort. Nevertheless, there’s no denying that La Jolla Shores has some of the prettiest spots in Southern California to take pictures from, so if you’ll be heading to San Diego, this might be the spot for you.

Should You Write Your Own Wedding Vows?

The wedding vows are the most tender and real moments of the wedding ceremony. It’s the time when the ceremonial component of the wedding ends and the bride and groom speak with their own voice. It’s a time when each shares their own words with the other, as well as all those in attendance. There is always the question of whether or not to write your own vows. Should you write something on your own? Should you ‘wing it’ and just speak to whatever comes to mind? Or should you rely on one of the many great writers in history? Let’s explore!

Writing Something on Your Own

This is a great option if there are things that must be said that you absolutely do not want to forget. If there are memories, or promises, or people that you want to mention during the vow then you should definitely be ready to write up some notes at the very least. If you have terrible stage fright or know yourself well enough to understand that you’ll be petrified when the microphone gets passed to you, then you should absolutely think about writing your own vows. There’s a lot of merits in doing this as you’ll be able to make sure it sounds great, you’ll be able to practice it beforehand and you’ll be able to say exactly what you prepared. If you decide not to write out the whole thing, you can always write up the vows in note form and just make good bullet-points of the things you want to say. It might even boil down to writing keywords that remind you of the things that you want to be a part of your vow. There’s no shame in writing your own vow and bringing it on a paper to the wedding. It’s *your* wedding so do what you want and plenty of people go down this route because it’s the best way to make sure you give an eloquent, meaningful vow during your wedding.

Just Winging It

Personally, I’ve never been a fan of winging anything in life. However, the wedding vows on my day were made up on the spot. How did they come out? Wonderful! Clearly, you’ll have ideas in your head of all the things you want to say and will even practice out loud some of the important parts of what you want to say. There’s some merit to just putting your head and heart out there for everyone to see and simply sharing what’s in your heart at that big moment. If you are not afraid of crowds or speaking in public, this route can be highly recommended. You might surprise yourself at how well you do!

Great Writers

I’d recommend going this route if you simply are terrified of writing and speaking, meaning the first two options won’t work for you. A lot of people can communicate well, but simply not through the written form and being able to wing it on the spot is too terrifying a thought to try. This third option can also be just as good as the first two. Take this amazing piece from William Shakespeare:

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a stay: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven doth shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou owest: As long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee.”

Gorgeous, right? Finding the right sonnet or poem, or even religious verse, can be breathtaking and meaningful as a wedding vow. In the end, the choice is up to you, so consider all your options if you are about to get married and you’re considering to write your own wedding vows. Good luck!

What the Groom Should Bring on the Wedding Day

Resident wedding day expert Niloufar Gibson has written a few articles giving tips to brides about what to bring on their wedding day. All the “just in case” stuff a bride can totally forget in the chaos of the day of her wedding that she wished she remembered can make the day go so much smoother. But what about the other side of the coin? For the grooms out there, should they be worried about what to bring to the their wedding? Absolutely!

Grooming Items

You should always be prepared to be absolutely well groomed for the day of your wedding. If this means that you have a thick five-o’clock shadow around 2:30 pm, then you should bring along a razor for a shave. Chances are your venue will have a nice bathroom for you to use, so make sure you look your best. Also, let’s face it, if your wedding is going to be in the summer you might be sweating… a lot. Make sure you bring your deodorant with you because the last thing your bride will want to do after hours of the ceremony and reception is dance with a stinky new husband. There’s also small things like making sure your nails are well manicured because there’ll be pictures of just your hands that you don’t want looking terrible because you happen to be a slob.

Keep that Breath Fresh!

Through the day you’ll be eating, drinking, talking, and then doing more eating, more talking and maybe have time for a cigar in between. Again, with so many people coming up to congratulate you, be sure to remember that the wedding day and reception can be a long one, so be prepared. Nobody wants to chat with a groom with horrible bad breath and your new bride certainly won’t want to kiss him either! There are a few ways to keep your breath fresh, starting with a good pack of gum, then a little pack of breath-mints  or even the clear strips that stick to the roof of your mouth. If you have a groom’s bathroom you can retire to for quick breaks, keep a travel-sized bottle in there to really do the trick.

Extra Set of Clothes

Sure, the groom will be in a tux, but if that summer heat comes down and he starts sweating, even all the deodorant in the world isn’t going to help him. Grooms, the best thing to do is to bring an extra set of undergarments to change into if things get dicey. Your sweat will mostly be trapped by this level of your garb, so swapping it out can really make you feel fresher and a lot less stinky. Also,  depending on the wedding and what is happening after the reception you might want to bring an appropriate change of clothes if you happen to be hopping on an airplane right after!

Miscellaneous Items

Make sure you bring your cell phone, it’ll come in handy helping people get to the wedding. Yes, people who are coming to your wedding will not have the courtesy to call the best man or wedding planner to get directions, they will just figure you have nothing better to do than to answer your phone and give directions. Making sure you have your cell phone is one thing, but don’t answer it yourself! Make sure one of your groomsmen or best man is in charge of your cell phone and can filter through the calls. What always goes with a cell phone? The charger – so don’t forget that either. Other smart little things to bring include some cash (you never know), an extra set of dressy shoes, a comb for your hair, and any medications that you happen to take.

Tips for Planning a Bachelor Party

One of the most important duties a friend can bestow on another friend is to ask him to plan a bachelor party. In an ideal world, you only get one of these in life, so it’d better be something special. While many people might assume the worst (watch “Bachelor Party” with Tom Hanks) or the worst case scenario (see “The Hangover”), chances are the Bachelor Party won’t be all that crazy. Why? Because more often than not the Best Man does something smart – actually plans a bachelor party that the groom-to-be wants. That’s a good thing because nobody wants a miserable and awkward bachelor party. Here are some good tips if you are planning a big night.

Don’t Surprise Anyone

While everyone loves a surprise birthday party, chances are not everyone is going to like a surprise bachelor party. A lot of the fun behind the party is just the anticipation that it’s coming. Why deny yourself and the attendees the enjoyment of that? Also, there’s no way to accurate plan a party and know how it’s going to go without proper intelligence work beforehand. Maybe the groom won’t be psyched for your idea of his perfect bachelor party. Maybe some of the guests are allergic to the food you plan (or the restaurant) on serving. Maybe something comes up at his job and he can’t even make it! Be a bro and plan things out the right way and embrace the countdown while considering all the details that make for a successful event.

Ask the Groom What He Wants

This is the absolute most critical thing you should do if you’re planning the bachelor party. Asking the groom what he wants to do will allow you to create the perfect party for him (not for you). It might be that he wants to have one last crazy night, but chances are, it’ll be some activity that you haven’t even thought of only to be shared between him and his close friends. Maybe he just wants to go fishing for a weekend. It could be that he wants to go tailgate, attend a local sporting event (baseball, football, basketball, hockey, pro wrestling), and head back for a game of poker with the boys. Whatever it is, chances are you don’t know what it is off the top of your head, so don’t try to live to a stereotype and throw some wild night “just because” – just give the guy what he wants.

Plan it Well in Advance

Try not to throw something together at the last second. Guys really look forward to these things and being able to plan out well in advance is a huge factor in a successful party. This way, the guys can make their plans (both personally and professionally) to ensure that they can attend. It’s a huge bummer if one of the groom’s best friends can’t attend because of poorly put together last-second plans!

Have Fun and Be Smart

Have fun. Just not too much, right? Whether you plan a wild night out or just decide to kick it at your home for a poker night, make sure if you’ve planned the party you remain in charge. This means watching out for potential drunk drivers and arranging for cabs if someone’s had a few too many, which is practically inevitable. Also make sure everyone is behaving, because a visit from the local police department will ruin (and end) any bachelor party.

How a Groom Can Prepare for the Big Day

Nice Car

Going for a nice cozy drive in a nice car might be a nice way to prepare for your wedding day!

The day of the wedding, a bride has approximately 8,410 things to do simultaneously. For this reason, she’s surrounded by her friends, family and hired help to prepare her for the big day. Typically, as the groom, you might have three or four things to do. As the joke goes that might be two or three too many with the one single responsibility being to actually show up! Kidding aside, let’s take a look at how a prospective groom might want to prepare for his big day.

Don’t Party the Night Before

The Big Day is also a very long day, so get a good night sleep and don’t go out with the boys painting the town red. The boys are welcome to hang out, kick it, play some video games and watch a movie from the confines of your home, hotel room, or other local spot. Some grooms even have a poker party the night before, ordering food, watching sports and just hanging out which is a great way to spend the night before the wedding. The worst thing to do is have “one last night” on the town going wild. You can just rent The Hangover, you don’t have to live it.

Don’t Go Watch a Movie That Morning

Speaking from personal experience, the popular movie “Batman Begins” was out in IMAX and my groomsman did their best to try and convince me that it would be a great idea to catch the first showing of the film. Thankfully, I didn’t give in, but I’m a little ashamed of how tempted I was! Nevertheless, the point is, don’t make commitments before your wedding if it doesn’t directly involve the wedding. Need to go to the barber for a haircut or shave? That’s good! Want to go out for a nice breakfast or brunch with the guys? No problem. Take up a round of golf? Bad idea – you’ll strain yourself out, get too much sun and use up all the time before your wedding. Be smart!

Don’t Exercise

Normally the best advice is to get a little run in, but you need to think like you’re the Quarterback of the Super Bowl team. Would you really want to risk injury the day of your wedding? Do you really want to stand in front of everyone on a cramped leg or twisted ankle? How are you going to dance if your abs are killing you? The best thing to do is workout the day (or two) before the wedding and do some light stretching in the morning instead of a regular (or strenuous!) workout.

Relax, Have Fun, Take Pictures

Some of the best memories of my wedding day weren’t at the wedding, they were before the wedding getting ready with my best friends and groomsman. We joked around, got dressed together, took pictures – it was really a wonderful and memorable piece of a special day. There’s no reason to get nervous or freak out. You’re about to be the center of attention, go to an amazing party and eat all the food you want. Sounds good to me!

Final Thoughts

The point is, you’ll want to take it easy to prepare for the big day. Make sure you have all your duties taken care of – meaning you have your tux, you have “the ring” safe and secure, and you are completely aware of the timeline so you know when and where you need to be. Don’t do it alone, bring your friends along for the whole day and just have a lot of fun!

The Right and Wrong Way for a Guy to Propose

You Can't Go Wrong With A Private Beach in Hawaii for a Marriage Proposal!

You Can’t Go Wrong With A Private Beach in Hawaii for a Marriage Proposal!

Oftentimes I’m asked how I proposed to my wife by younger friends looking to do something unique, amazing, over-the-top and totally memorable. It’s at that point I stop them and let them know it isn’t about making a huge splash and impressing all of her friends. A good proposal, wedding and marriage is about doing what is special for you two and nobody else. What really gets me is that guys won’t consider all the factors that should go into a good proposal! Remember, this is supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime event, but that doesn’t mean it has to contradict my first statement. There’s a fine line to walk, so for the guys, let’s look at a few right ways and wrong ways to pop the big question.

Do: Consider what is special for you both. If you both want to be surrounded by friends and family during a proposal, then do it at a big family gathering or event.

Don’t: Never upstage someone else. If you are at someone’s sweet 16 birthday party or (I shudder at this one) someone else’s wedding, this is *their* time and not yours. Make it special for you two without taking all the attention for yourself.

Do: Consider the setting and the timing. You’ll want to make sure it’s a spot that’s special for you both, whether that means it’s a place that you’ve visited and have fond memories of, or a place you two have always wanted to visit together, but never have.

Don’t: Never go to a place where either of you have bad memories, or have memories of having been there with an ex. If you decide to take a trip and spring the question then, make it a place neither of you have traveled to before, but always have wanted to visit.

Do: Tell her the reasons you want to get married, why she’s so special and why she’s the one. This is one the few times we’re really expected to pour our hearts out fellas, so buck up and get it done. Chances are you’ll be so nervous you’ll not make much sense, but just speak from the heart, tell her what makes her so special to you and let it be very natural, special and from the heart.

Don’t: Don’t try to do something ultra-rehearsed, don’t do something ridiculous like make a public scene and start reciting Shakespeare, just be yourself and not something you’ve never been.

So there you go guys, some basic tips to get you started on the right way and perhaps to avoid the wrong way, with asking that special someone to be yours for the rest of your life. Good luck!