Wedding Wednesday: Same Sex Wedding by Great Officiants

On this fabulous Wedding Wednesday, I am thrilled to share an incredible milestone in California.  Two weeks ago on Wednesday, June 26, 2013, The Defense of Marriage Act was found to be unconstitutional. Meaning, the law barring the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages legalized by the states, is unconstitutional. Many had been standing by eagerly waiting for these results. When the results came in,  cheers of victory were heard all around. What a perfect day for this to occur! Wedding Wednesday never looked better. On today’s Wedding Wednesday I wanted to share something very special.  One of the many couples who have been long waiting for this very important decision, finally had the chance to legally marry. This couple had been waiting for thirteen years to stand in front of their friends and family, and share their love. You can imagine the joy and happiness when the results came in. Pure excitement. It makes me happy when two people who love each other can now become married in the state of California. Great news indeed.  Four hours after the decision, this couple was legally married. They were married by Alan Katz of Great Officiants in Long Beach, California.  So in love, that they could not wait to finally be married.

Here is a video of their story:


On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Toni and Carol were legally married.  Happiness, joy, laughter, and all other adjectives describing a good time.  Congrats to the lovely couple! I am totally smiling right now. Yep, smiling from ear to ear. Ah, what a wonderful day indeed. My wedding loving heart is overjoyed and in full gear. Nothing but love here. Wedding Wednesday is amazing! Totally in love.











If you are a couple who has been waiting to get legally married, then do not wait any longer, and head to Long Beach, California and stop by the Great Officiants.  They will issue you a marriage license and perform a ceremony for you.

For more information:

Alan Katz
Presiding Officiant
Great Officiants
(855) Wed-Vows  / (855) 933-8697

Niloufar Gibson

Niloufar Gibson

Niloufar Gibson is the owner of and has been working in the wedding industry for many years as a wedding and event coordinator. She lives and works in Orange County, CA and created the site to stay connected to the hottest trends and share them with others like her that love this industry.
Niloufar Gibson
Niloufar Gibson

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