A Few Great Engagement Photoshoot Locations in Southern California

If you happen to live in Southern California, there’s no shortage of wonderful places to take your engagement photographs. Typically, couples take advantage of the gorgeous beaches because of the plentiful space and options available. There’s no shortage of beaches in California, meaning there’s no shortage of great shooting locations either. However, that doesn’t mean beaches are the only place to get your engagement photographs done. Let’s take a look at a few locations, some beaches and some not, to give you some ideas if you plan to have your engagement photos done in Southern California.

Laguna Beach, CA

If you’ve never been to Laguna Beach, you’ll want to make it one of your destinations if you are visiting from out of town. It’s a tourist location to be sure but one that even locals in Orange County enjoy visiting thanks to the great beach, plentiful restaurants and overall small beach city charm Laguna Beach is known for. There are literally dozens of great spots to take photographs so if you’re looking for a very versatile beach location where you can go high (cliffs) and low (beach shore) then Laguna Beach might be the place you want to do your shoot. The good news too is that couples can travel to Laguna Beach in the early morning (think 6am) just after sunrise and find ample parking and empty beaches, not to mention some of the best time a photographer could hope for when it comes to lighting.

Union Station, Los Angeles

Union Station, Los Angeles

Union Station, Los Angeles

Union Station is a historical landmark that originally opened up in May of 1939. This rail station is often referred to as the last of the great railway stations to be built in the United States and was inducted into the National Register of Historic Places back in 1980. It’s a very popular spot to have photographs done because of the wonderful architectural design and retro motif. If couples take some time to research this spot, they’ll probably think how familiar the interior of Union Station looks. The reason for that is because dozens of movies have been filmed inside! So if the beach thing isn’t your scene, this is definitely a spot you’ll want to check out that is a historic landmark sure to make for a wonderful setting for engagement photos.


Hey, why not? If Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth and the future bride and groom are both huge Disney fans, Disneyland is absolutely made for a photoshoot. The popular theme park brings together more than a half-dozen different eras (including the future) and settings making it the most diverse photo-shoot setting you could possibly ask for, short of EPCOT park in Orlando, Florida. The staff love to accomodate photographers and there’s literally 20+ historic scenic spots to take photographs. Plus, where else on Earth could you take engagement photos with Mickey Mouse, Princess Aurora and Darth Vader on the same day?

La Jolla, CA

If you are heading to or living in San Diego, La Jolla is a city in the southwest corner of the county that is world reknown for its ritzy lifestyle and breathtaking beaches. There’s a ton of great eating spots (think the 4-star variety) and this is less small beach town and more rich beach resort. Nevertheless, there’s no denying that La Jolla Shores has some of the prettiest spots in Southern California to take pictures from, so if you’ll be heading to San Diego, this might be the spot for you.