BHL Celebrates Movember Month

Have you noticed all the handsome men sporting facial hair lately? In recent years, the moustache has gone from a symbol of masculinity to a symbol of men’s health. Those mustachioed men may be participating in Movember, which help raise funds and awareness for men’s prostate cancer. The official Movember Foundation began in 2004 and has been going strong ever since.

Movember isn’t just an excuse for your fiance to suddenly stop shaving- it’s for a good cause.

If you’d like to get your groomsmen in on the fun, we’ve got a few ways you can help out!

Register for Donations

One of the best ways to help out is to donate. Even if you’re on a budget now with all the wedding mayhem, there are still ways to give! In place of registering for those table cloths  you’d really only need for special occasions, opt for having your guests donate to your favorite charities. You can ask them to go through your Movember account (sign up here!) so you can track how much money your wedding raised. Your groom and groomsmen can have fun looking a little extra money, and everyone gets the benefit of helping out an awesome cause.


Let the Groomsmen Grow!

Even if you’re more of a clean-shaven lovin’ lady, let your men get mustachioed for the month of November. The new found fuzz will create some buzz for Movember and awareness! Just make sure they take a few pictures together and upload them with the #Movember. And, if you want to give #BridalHotList a nod too for spreading awareness, we’re all for the cause!

Get A Girl ‘Stache

It’s probably for the better that you can’t grow a mustache, but that doesn’t mean you can’t support Movember! BHL reader Christina loves mustaches- especially when they’re chocolate. There are tons of mustache print products out there now, ranging from clothing, to accessories, to housewares. Here at Bridal Hot List, we love taking photobooth pictures with awesome mustache props (we had a fantastic photobooth at the BHL Anniversary party!). Rock your lady ‘stache and be sure to let everyone know that you support men’s health!

No matter how you choose to show support, the important thing is supporting men’s health. So let’s get those mustaches going, and from all of us at Bridal Hot List, Happy Movember!