Stay at Home Honeymoon Ideas

For some couples, the idea of a real honeymoon isn’t something that falls within the realm of reality. A good friend of mine got married last year but because of a demanding work schedule plus two kids, a honeymoon just wasn’t in the cards. What did he and his new wife do instead? A very smart thing – a stay at home honeymoon in their home town. If you are in the same situation, don’t forgo the honeymoon experience, there’s always something you can do, even if it’s just for a night! Here’s are some good “Stay at Home Honeymoon” ideas that might help you plan something for a night or two after your wedding.

Swanky Hotel

No matter your hometown, chances are there’s a swanky four star hotel that you could visit for a night. It’ll feel like a vacation because it’ll be a place that you’d never normally visit and certainly never stay in because your home is so close. Some of these hotels even have amenities like an in-room hot tub or spa where you can really spoil yourself. Why not take a weekend package to stay in your home town, pay nothing in travel expenses and stay under $500 for a nice, memorable weekend?

Local Indian Casino/Resort

Out here in Southern California, we’re spoiled thanks to the numerous billion-dollar Indian Casino Resorts to choose from. These locations sport exciting casino action, four-star restaurants, amazing buffets and high quality hotel rooms. There’s always amenities like spas and gyms to make for an amazing experience. Most of these resorts offer a ton of different packages to choose from and it’s commonplace to have specials only available for locals, so don’t hesitate to call and find out what they might have for you!

A Nice Dinner / Home

One thing that you can do if you are on a tight budget and really can’t afford to spend even a night away from home is make a reservation at a nice restaurant and simply having a nice night out on the town. There’s no reason you can’t plan for something special back at home. Why not get your bedroom ready for a romantic night with roses, rose pedals, music and lights and have it waiting for you when you get home from a nice dinner? This may not even fall into the true spirit of a honeymoon, but it’s important for you and your spouse to have at least one special night together after the wedding.

What a Bride Needs to Bring to the Wedding

It is the day before the wedding, and even if you have a wedding planner, there are some ” to do’s” that you want to make sure are in order. There are some items that you will want to bring with you on the wedding day.

  • Bridal Gown: You want to take your bridal gown, shoes, veil, and any other accessories which makes your final bridal look. If you are getting ready at the venue or ceremony site, then make sure you you know ahead of time which car can hold your gown and take it to the site. You want to make sure the car has plenty of room for the large garment bag.  So do not plan to take a two seater sports car with your garment bag! Save that ride for another day.
  • Drop off luggage: If you are heading out to your honeymoon that evening or next day, make sure you are packed. It is a good idea to pack a few days before the wedding day, so the night before, you can relax and get a good night’s sleep.  If possible, try to drop off your luggage at the hotel you are staying at earlier that day, or have someone drop it off for you. That way when you are departing your wedding, you do not have to worry about it.
  • Pack a Emergency Kit:   Some examples are lipstick, face powder, and any other touch up make up needs, hairspray, bobby pins, stain remover, tissues, deodorant, toothbrush,  toothpaste, and lotion. You can add anything else which you think you will absolutely need that day.
  • Eat and Drink: It is a big day and the excitement and nerves will be there, and you may not want to eat. However, you want to make sure that you eat and drink plenty of water. Eating well and keeping hydrated will give you plenty of energy for the day. So make sure to order breakfast for the morning, and then have lunch also ordered for later. If you are in a hotel, you can easily order room service. If you are at a venue or ceremony site where they do not have food service, you can ask your bridesmaids, family member, or friend to order breakfast and lunch.  You can also bring your favorite snacks, goodies, and treats for you to enjoy throughout the day while you are getting ready.

Make a checklist so you do not forget anything!

Four Great Honeymoon Destinations on a Budget

Let’s face it, the economy is still pretty darn lousy and a lot of us might be making ends meet, but certainly aren’t rolling in cash these days. For those of you getting married and footing your own bill, this might mean that your honeymoon plans go by the wayside. However, with some smart thinking there’s no need to ax the honeymoon just to save some bucks as getting away after the wedding on a vacation after just getting married is part of the whole experience, so don’t give it up if you don’t absolutely have to. Here are some ideas for those of you on a budget, still looking to get away for vacation.

Idea 1: Las Vegas

Las Vegas - Great Honeymoon Destination!

Las Vegas – Great Honeymoon Destination!

Pretty much wherever you live, getting to Las Vegas is relatively easy and cheap. Certainly, it’s a lot cheaper to get to via a JetBlue or Southwest flight to Las Vegas than it would be to Hawaii! One very underrated aspect of Las Vegas is how cheap it can be if you’re a savvy shopper. There are hotel deals on the strip at nice establishments all the time and if you travel during the week, it’s darn near free to stay in three star hotels on the strip. There’s four star dining at two star prices, plus more entertainment that you could possibly imagine, making Las Vegas a very underrated and cost concious (assuming you stay away from the tables) option.

Idea 2: Weekend Cruise

If you’re lucky enough to be near a port where they offer weekend cruises via one of the major cruise lines, such as Princess Cruises or Carnival, then you should absolutely look into this option. Cruises are a lot of fun and if you haven’t been on one before, it’s definitely time to check them out. The cruise ships are so massive there’s little to no chance of getting seasick (trust me, I’m the worst of them all!), the food is usually pretty good, and the staff there is dedicated to making sure you are entertained and happy 24/7 during your cruise. Again, savvy shoppers are able to find deals, even for two, three, or four night cruises. Those in Southern California, Florida, and other cruise hot spots should consider this option.

Idea 3: Staycation

What the heck is a “staycation” you ask? Easy – it’s when you decide to take a vacation in your hometown. There might be a very nice hotel or a historical area of your city that folks from outside your area come to visit, but you never do because it’s always been there. Why not take the role of the tourist and stay close at one of these types of places, completely cutting the cost of travel expenses like airfare and gas? It’s all about your frame of mind going into your honeymoon, so if you find a local resort, find a deal and take on the mentality of a vacationing tourist – you’ll probably have as much fun as if you traveled to some other city.

Idea 4: Camping

There’s a big caveat to this one, guys. In order to pull this off you need a very outdoorsy bride who has a high sense of adventure. If that is the case, what could possibly be more romantic than spending your nights under the stars and enjoying the amazing parks and camping sites our country has to offer? Sure, this is not a typical idea and frankly the majority of brides will balk at the idea of camping, but certainly out-of-the-box thinking could go a long way.