Top Five Tax Refund Splurges for Brides

We’ve all got our W-2s back, all we’ve got to do now is file and wait. If you’re on your tax refund game like we are, you’re all kinds of excited for a nice check from Uncle Sam. You shouldn’t count on your tax refund to get you out of a hole or cover any part of your wedding budget, but you should count on it to treat yourself. You worked hard for the money, you deserve to enjoy the kick back you get from it. So keep that tax refund to yourself and treat yourself- you earned it!

Massage it Out

What’s more relaxing than a massage? Yeah, we can’t think of anything either. There are a multitude of health benefits that are associated with getting a massage such as easing anxiety or depression, pain relief, and even in certain cases weight loss. Often times your medical insurance will help you get discounts or even cover (!!!) your massages at certain locations. If you’re planning a wedding you definitely deserve a good massage.

Blow Out

Want to feel fancy immediately? Cruise by your hair salon and get yourself a blow out just for fun. You don’t need an occasion (other than for some serious selfie action), you just need to enjoy yourself. Right now there are a ton of blow out-only salons popping up for you to come by and just do a blow out-  no other treatments required. It’s such a fun way to have insta-fab hair, and good hair really brings out the sparkle in your engagement ring.

Get the Big Girl Package

You may already have your bi-weekly mani/pedis scheduled, but for your next round go for the gold (or platinum). It’s time to splurge for the best package you can do at your salon! Seriously spring for the paraffin wax, the extra long massage, and the cuticle softeners. If you have a ring on your finger, consider it an investment. If people are looking at your ring, you want to make sure your hands look good too!

Upgrade You

Check your phone plan and if you’re up- go get that upgrade! We’re iPhone fans and the six is such a fun splurge. If you’re a droid kind of gal, the newest Galaxy has amazing reviews and a gorgeous screen. Since you’ve got friends and family coming out soon to celebrate your love, you’re going to need a more powerful phone to contact them all! Plus if your phone camera is a little shaky or pixelated, you need to upgrade ASAP. With so many exciting changes on the way, you’re going to want an awesome camera at your fingertips.

Sweet Day

This one is selfishly our favorite splurge, be forewarned. Take that tax refund and a girlfriend and have a complete guilt-free food day. Go cupcake hopping, have those bottomless mimosas, curl up and watch Netflix with as much ice cream as you can eat. One day won’t throw off your wedding diet, and you worked hard in 2014 so you could enjoy the things you eat! If you want to be good, you can double up your guilt-free day with Valentine’s Day and ease your chocolate cravings all at once. If you do want to have one guilt-free day AND do chocolate on Valentine’s Day though, we won’t judge you!


San Pedro, California Wedding

When you have a wedding as pretty as this one, it is hard to choose which images to share. The photographs from Your Lovely Wedding are simply stunning, and each and every image is pure gorgeousness. This beautiful bride and her groom have really won our wedding loving hearts. Their wedding speaks to us with all its lovely details. We can not help but swoon at the breathtaking bride and her maids, the handsome groom and his men, the unbelievable views from the ceremony site, the personal touches found throughout, and the most beautiful florals. We love how this couple incorporated some fun details into their wedding. It is one of the happiest days, so why not add a bit of silly? We especially love the money crown made for the groom, and the men hoisting him up like the King that he is. Just an overall amazing wedding and we are so excited to share this one with you.  Spend today browsing the amazing images of a wedding which has us swooning for days.

We love to hear from you! Tell us your favorite detail of this wedding in the comments below.




































From Your Lovely Wedding

Photographed in San Pedro and Averill Park. It was an unforgettable experience to share this day with the beautiful couple Christina and Arnold. The Bridal Party wedding preparations took place at the Masonic Lodge with breathtaking views everywhere you looked. While the views were amazing it was Christina and Arnold who stole the show! They looked simply stunning. This was one of the classiest weddings you will ever see. It was a fantastic event full of love and fun. Thank you for making us a part of your special day. Congratulations on your beautiful wedding and blessings in your new marriage!

Top Five Detox Tips for Brides

Yesterday Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and gave us a whole six more weeks of Winter- bummer, right? But just because we officially have six more weeks of winter, that doesn’t mean you can still eat like it’s winter. That’s right, the holiday stretch is over so there are no more excuses for eating junk food (official dates are Thanksgiving to the Super Bowl, after that it’s time to get on track!). We’ve got five easy ways to start getting back into shape for the big day.

Ditch the Sweet Drinks

Soda, Frapps, even juice can pack on sugar comparable to whole chocolate bar and have calories that rival a meal. You don’t need to do sugar, juice, or any kind of sweet drinks when there are so many amazing healthy and yummy alternatives! If you’re fancy in the kitchen, you can juice yourself some healthy foods like ginger, kale, and fruit into a fantastic organic mix. If you like comforting drinks, start getting used to tea. We love decaffeinated pomegranate green tea. Green tea helps flush out your system, and the fruit-infused ones give you a great kick of flavor.

Trick Your System

One awesome feel-full trick that helps you save on calories? Before you sit down for a big meal, drink a big glass of cold water. That will help fill your stomach before you start munching away at empty calories like bread and butter. Plus, water is the best thing you can do for your diet- it really does everything for your body! It will clear up your skin, make you feel better, and keep you hydrated so you don’t get headaches or feel tired.

Create Food Goals

If you’re competitive, this is one of the best ways to whip your diet into shape. You don’t necessarily need to keep track of everything you eat, but you can keep track of all the good stuff you eat. Aim for at least two vegetables at first, then up the ante when you find it easier to hit your goals. We like to keep tally of the servings of veggies in our daily planner so we can see how many veggies we’ve had per day. Everyday, try to do a little more or have different vegetables.

Stop the Snacking

If you have a desk job, chances are you can be a chronicle snacker. If that’s you, it’s time to do some cleaning out. Clean out anything edible from your desk/cubicle except for gum or mints (you need to stay minty!). Put it out in a common area so your coworkers can graze, but you need to commit to staying away. Keep all temptation away and replace it with something good, like raw almonds or fruit. The fewer chances you have to eat junk food, the less you will eat junk food!

Team Efforts

In theory, it’s super easy to say no to junk food and yes to foods that will cleanse your body. You know what makes it easier, though? A friend! Get your fiance (after all, he has a big day coming up too) to join you, or even your bridesmaids. Having someone to keep you accountable can make all the difference, plus you can figure out new fun recipes together!


Italian American Wedding: Gavi, Italy

If you watched the Super Bowl, you may still be talking about the crazy ending of the game, (I know I am!). The talk of the week will be about that game for all of us football or sports fans. But in the meantime, I am currently distracted by something even more amazing and worth talking about. What can I say? I will always be a lover of Italian weddings. Maybe it is because my family lives in Lucca, Italy and it holds a special place in my heart. Or perhaps it is due to the stunning and breathtaking Italian surroundings that makes my heart go pitter patter. Whatever the reason, I love Italian weddings, and thats that. Today’s wedding has me falling in love with Italy all over again. I can not even begin to describe this gorgeous wedding as there are so many pretty details. I think its best if you view the stunning images from Andrea Weddings, and see why I am so obsessed.  Enjoy and Happy Monday!




































From Andrea Weddings...

I was lucky enough to photograph the beautiful wedding of Julie and Deneb,  the sweet Italian American union as I called it. It took place in Gavi, Italy, located in the Piemonte region not far from the fashion hub of Milan. The wedding wedding was called L’ Ostelliere, which operates a hotel, restaurant, and winery alongside its rolling vineyards in which it makes its own wine.

Besides the gorgeous views in every direction, there were so many lovely details I wanted to share. Specifically lots of DIY (though still glamorous) touches: from the dress handmade by the brides mother; the ceremony the bride’s father officiated; to the music during the ceremony, apertivo hour, and party, with musician friends of both the bride and groom performing. However, quite possibly the best part included a candle-lit walk through an 18th century wine cellar; simply stunning. The evening ended with a rock band in which the groom was the drummer, rockin’ tunes into the wee hours of the night outside the rolling hills.
Photographer: Andrea Weddings