Eight Tips to have Trendy and Textured Hair

It is a lovely Summer Sunday, and I am thrilled for it. I love summer and weekends. These two make the best combo yet!  Gorgeous weather plus sleeping in, taking it easy, and enjoying the morning sun equals perfection!  As a bride or bridesmaid, or any gal of the wedding, we girls typically like to do what it takes to keep our hair healthy, stylish, and beautiful. With the ever-changing trends of fashion, most of us girls like to keep current with the latest hair styles and trends. Keeping your hair in great shape is an amazing feeling, and why not feel amazing if we can? Right?  Consider the following eight hair tips which can pretty up that hair and get it to what you want in looking and feeling oh so gorgeous.

  1. Healthy hair is an outcome of a body that is healthy. Eat a diet full of nutrition and drink lots of clean water to improve the appearance of your hair. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beneficial fats and lean protein all lend to happy and healthy hair.
  2. If your hair looks dull and lifeless, consider using a clarifying shampoo. Dulling of the hair can be caused by product accumulation. To prevent this, use a clarifying shampoo a couple times each week to remove any accumulated residue from dirt and hair care products.
  3. When you’re selecting new hair care products, it’s best to seek out products that contain natural ingredients. Make sure your hair type matches the shampoos and conditioners that you buy. Until you have found the right product for your hair, keep trying different ones.
  4. When hair conditioning, be sure to spread the conditioner evenly throughout your hair for best results. Allow your conditioner a minimum of two minutes to absorb into the hair before you rinse it out.
  5. If you swim often, wet your hair thoroughly before entering the pool. Unless you wear a swim cap, you should also take a few minutes to rinse and condition hair soon after you leave the pool; this helps to reduce the overall amount of damage.
  6. Have you considered adding more texture to your hair? It is a lot easier to style textured hair than non-textured hair. Texture is added to hair via style, cut or choosing to get a perm. Your hair will naturally be fuller, and you will be able to experiment with many types of styles and looks.
  7. Exercise caution so that you do not remove essential oils from the hair when you shampoo. Even if you have oily hair, using a harsh shampoo that removes all traces of oil can actually create rebound oiliness in your hair. Instead, look for a shampoo that cleanses your hair gently. Some folks forgo the shampoo and use only conditioner a couple times a week.
  8. Make sure you protect your hair from the sun! Many hair care products also have a sunscreen in them. A hat is another option you can try out. You know to protect your skin from the sun, but you might be neglecting your hair. It can also be damaged by the rays of the sun.


Eleven Bridal Hair Care Tips

Good morning weekenders! Another gorgeous summer day here in Southern California. Talking about gorgeous things, we want you to feel and looking oh so fabulous for your big day. At BHL, we are kind of obsessed with beauty and all that goes along with it.  Are you tired of dealing with split ends? Or having that frizzy hair that wont stop? This is where you will find answers.  We have eleven fabulous hair care tips that will make it easy to avoid hair issues, as well as improve the overall health of your hair.

  1. If your hair seems dull or lifeless, consider your diet. The health of your hair depends on some vital nutrients, including vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron. If your diet is lacking in these nutrients, consider supplementing it with a daily multivitamin.
  2. Never pull at your hair or rub it with a towel when you’re drying it. This can cause frizz and stretches your hair, causing breakage. Use softer patting or blotting to remove excess water. You could also try a gentle squeeze with your towel. For best results, avoid using a brush on wet hair. Wide-toothed combs are your best bet for removing tangles in this state.
  3. What you eat impacts what your hair looks like. Your hair is living; you need to give it the right things to help it grow. When your diet lacks the proper vitamins and nutrients, your hair can become brittle, weak, and unattractive. A serious loss in these nutrients can lead to you losing your hair. So ensure you are taking great care of your hair by eating the proper foods.
  4. Clarifying shampoo may be something you’re going to have to invest into when your hair is dull. Hair product build up can be the cause of dull looking hair. To prevent this, try using a clarifying shampoo one or two times a week, in order to strip any dirt or hair care product residue that has accumulated.
  5. When you’re selecting new hair care products, it’s best to seek out products that contain natural ingredients. It is also important to consider your specific hair type as you choose a shampoo and conditioner. Do not hesitate to try different products until you find out which one works best for your hair.
  6. Alcohol damages hair, and can cause it to be dull, dry and lifeless. This is really bad for the health of your hair, and you should be careful of what products you use. Learn to read and understand labels, and choose products with ingredients that benefit your hair.
  7. Include texture when considering your hairstyle. When your hair is textured, your styling time will be reduced. This can be achieved through a perm or by the way your hair is cut or styled. It is certainly true that the right haircut can add volume and variety to your style.
  8. Use a towel to dry your hair as much as possible before using a blow dryer. Using heat to dry your hair is unnatural and causes your hair damage over time. Hair can look dull and damaged after excessive blow-drying removes the moisture and natural oils that keep individual strands of hair looking their best. The more water you can remove with a towel, the less heat you’ll need with the blow dryer.
  9. Just like you protect your skin from sun damage, you need to keep your hair from sun damage, too. When outdoors, wear a hat or use a protective spray to keep your hair from being damaged by the sun or wind. You also have the benefit of preventing any scalp burns. The sun also tends to fade color-treated hair a bit faster too.
  10. Brushing your hair too much should be avoided. While brushing frequently and thoroughly may appear to enhance your hair, you may be doing damage. Brushing pulls hairs out from follicles, which can damage individual strands.
  11. You do not need to wash your hair each and every day. When you shampoo your hair you remove the hair’s natural oils and moisture, frequently resulting in damage. You should wash at maximum on alternating days, or if you can manage it, once a week.

The new improved look and feel of your hair will surprise you. So go on, get all gorgeous and treat your hair with a whole lot of love!