Recently Engaged? Who Do You Share the News With First?

Your boyfriend just popped the question and you said yes, who do you call first to share the news? It is a very exciting time in ones life and of course you want to share your love and excitement with the whole world.

  • The first set of people that should hear the news are your parents. If you can not wait to tell them in person, then a phone call is the way to go when you want to share the news with your parents. Text or email is not really personal. I think it is best to wait if possible, to set up a time and place where you can tell your parents in person. Maybe you can do a brunch, or nice dinner where you make an announcement. You can make it special! Just remember do not text or email your parents, they have the right to a phone call or visit.
  • Next, it would be a sibling or close family member like a cousin if you do not have a sibling. If you are close with them and have always been in contact, then you also want to tell them in person if possible or on the phone. Another idea is that you set up a brunch with the family, and make an announcement for all of them at once. You can make it a nice event for the whole family to remember. Making it a family affair, inviting aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, and parents. It can then be a celebration that you share with your family. You can do this with your finance’s family together, or two separate events. It is sometimes nice to have two separate events, so the families can have their own special moment with you. At a later time, you can plan an engagement party with both families, or a special dinner.
  • You can call your close friends next, or also set up a time to tell them in person as well. Sometimes we can not wait to tell our best friend in person so we have to call right away! Now that is okay, when there is big news like this, you can not wait to tell your best friend! If you can wait, then you can  set up a lunch or coffee date. You can start off with showing off your ring! Girls love that! You can also set up a tea time or brunch with all your girlfriends and make the announcement there. It is really depends on you and what makes you feel most happy! The key is not to text or email your best friend or girlfriends. Make it personal and special!
  • Now who else do you want to share the news with?  Work friends, acquaintances, and other friends, you can send out a mass email or text to announce your engagement. These are people that are in your life, however may not play as big of a role in your life like you best friend, or family members. However for sure you want to share the news with them! It just does not have to be in person or calling everyone. But it is up to you, if you want to tell all in person or calls, go for it!
  • The most important moment is when you are engaged, and that you make sure to make some time, that night or next day where you can enjoy it with your finance. This is a significant step in your relationship, and you want to really enjoy the moment before the big day. So plan a weekend getaway, or nice dinner where you can enjoy each other as a newly engaged couple. At the moment where you were asked the question, there are so many emotions and feelings, you tend to forget or not remember as much of that moment. So it is nice to make another day where you can really enjoy each other’s love.


Congrats on being engaged, now go and enjoy every moment!




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